10 Foods That Can Help You To Sleep Fast and Easily

There are 10 kinds of foods that will be discussed here. Why these 10 foods can help you to sleep fast and easily? The answer is because these foods contain nutrients that can help the body to produce more hormone melatonin, which can facilitate the normal body to feel sleepy. And it will repel and treat insomnia naturally. You can also read more about melatonin here.

And here are the 10 foods:

 1. Grape
10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily

Grapes are rich in hormone melatonin, the hormone that regulates the human body's biological clock. Starting at 18:00, this hormone begin to overwhelm our bodies, until it is full at about 22:00. That's when the human body feel sleepy and go to bed.

People with sleeping disoder have just little of hormone melatonin. This hormone deficiency can be overcome by eating grapes that are very rich in melatonin. How many is the portion? Enough 6-8 grapes. Its function would be better if accompanied by drinking a glass of milk.

2. Almonds

10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily

Almonds contain magnesium which helps us to relax the muscles then making it easier for the body to sleep. It also has the added benefit of providing the protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels as long as we fall asleep.

3. Green tea

The green tea contains theanine which facilitates sleep. Drink warm or hot green tea, because according to research, the warm or hot green tea helps us fall asleep easily.

4. Hot Soup

Hot soup contains an amino acid that can increase the production of melatonin. As already disclosed above, melatonin is a
 natural hormone that can help us sleepy. Research also shows that hot liquids such as hot soup and hot tea could help us sleep easily.

5. Banana

10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily
Bananas are a very good source of magnesium and potassium that can help our muscles relax. Banana juice mixed with a glass of milk can help us feel sleepy and then fall asleep.

6. Milk

Milk and its derivative products such as yogurt and cheese contain tryptophan and nutrients that lets us sleep.

7. Oatmeal
10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily

Oatmeal is rich in calcium, phosphorus and silicon, known as the minerals that make it easier to sleep.

8. Soybean

10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily
Soy contains phytoestrogens which are very helpful, especially for women who are experiencing menopause, to control the complaints of discomfort during the night, as well as help us to fall asleep.

9. Cereals

Cereal is a healthy food that allows us to fall asleep.

10. Fruit Cerry
10 Foods That Can Help To Sleep Easily

According to the study, fruit cerry can naturally increase the supply of melatonin in the body, and this will make us easy to sleep.

Thus the ten foods that can help the body to produce more melatonin, making it easier for us to be able to feel sleepy and then fell asleep. I hope this information can be a healthy one therapy to treat insomnia.

It turned out to be able to sleep soundly is not as difficult as we think of it? There are many types of food that are all around us that can help us get a restful sleep.
