10 Foods Make Us Ageless

Being ageless is everyone's dream. I am sure you too as well, want to remain ageless. Although the aging process is something that is natural, does not mean you can not do anything to treat the skin to keep it healthy and youthful. And it is not as difficult or expensive as one might imagine. The trick is to be more careful in choosing food. The reason for this we tend to eat just to fill the stomach, without thinking about the effects on the body. Though the principle is correct we eat to meet the needs of the body's cells. Therefore, choose the type of food that is in accordance with the needs of the body. 

Here are 10 foods that can help fight aging:

1. Carrots

10 Foods Make Us AgelessCarrots contain beta-carotene which serves to protect the skin from the sun. Sun exposure is bad effect on our skin, because it can accelerate the skin aging process. By consuming carrots that contain beta-carotene, the adverse effects of sunlight can be minimized.

2. Strawberry

10 Foods Make Us Ageless
Strawberry contains vitamin C and elagik acid. Elagik acid can reduce the damage to the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) that trigger the onset of wrinkles.

3. Red Peppers 

10 Foods Make Us AgelessRed peppers contain beta-carotene and vitamin C, which plays an active role in the formation of collagen which tightens the skin naturally.

4. Grapes

10 Foods Make Us AgelessGrapes contain anthocyanins, which serves to prevent twining veins, helps the formation of collagen, strengthens blood vessels, spreads oxygen and nutrients at the same time to remove toxins from the body.

In addition to containing anthocynins, grape also has substances that can help the formation of mellatonin, so that it can make us easier to sleep. Read more at here and here.

 5. Onions

10 Foods Make Us AgelessOnions contain flavonoids and diallyl sulfide, serves as a protective antioxidant of the DNA, anti-inflammatory and allergy.

6. Avocados
10 Foods Make Us Ageless

Avocados contain lots of vitamin E, which serves to combat free radicals and stimulates the formation of new skin cells, as well as strengthen the collagen network and helps reduce the risk of skin cancer.

7. Olive Oil (Extra Virgin Oil)

10 Foods Make Us AgelessOlive oil contains monounsaturated fat (oleic acid), serves as an anti-inflammatory, maintain skin elasticity (especially for dry skin). 

Olive oil is also known as a magic oil, since in addition to useful as an anti-aging oil, also has very many benefits for human health. Please read more in Various Efficacy And Benefits Of Olive Oil For Human.

8. Fish
10 Foods Make Us Ageless

Fish contains a lot of organic protein and omega 3, which serves to maintain muscle tone that serves to maintain skin elasticity. Omega 3 can also be 'calming' inflamed skin.

9. Apple 

10 Foods Make Us Ageless
Apples contain many plavanoid, functions as an antioxidant, protective body from colon and lung cancer. These substances can also fight bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

10. Potatoes 

10 Foods Make Us AgelessPotatoes contain the mineral sodium with high alkaline levels. This mineral works to improve the activity of the liver so that the muscle tissue become elastic and supple. 

In connection with the potatoes, I've ever written about How To Store Potatoes : The Right And Best Way. Perhaps exist between the readers who are still confused about how to store potatoes properly, please go to the link.

Thus 10 kinds of healthy foods that can inhibit the aging process. Hopefully this article useful. 

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