My Red Guava Tree


Hello World, 
Glad that today I could write and tell it to the world. Hopefully my story is useful and does not even meet the world with something that is 'rubbish'. 

This time I want to tell you a bit about my home. More specifically, the existing plants in my house. My husband and I really like plants, both flowers and fruit trees. So a lot of plants in my home page, both the front page and back page. I am grateful to have ground to a lesser extent, so there is still ground for planting. Although not very extensive, but there are some tree fruit crops have been entitled great, so that makes me cool house. 

Ok, here I mention one by one my plants, starting from the fruit plants. 

1. Red Guava Tree

My guava tree this one is unique. The fruit is purplish red skin color, as well as fruit flesh and seeds. Similarly, all too purplish red leaves. My guava tree is diligent fruitful, because almost always there is fruit on the tree. Supposedly, this guava fruit is able to treat dengue fever.

Indeed, it's not like guava fresh sweet in general. The guava fruit has a slightly bitter flavor somewhat. Maybe because it has the function of such treatment. 

Here is a photo of my red guava tree while it is fruitful:

