Coffee Protects Women From Breast Cancer

Coffee Is So Delicious

I like to drink coffee. Especially when combined with creamer or chocolateDrink it while hot. Hmmm ... so delicious! I thing most of you will agree with me. 

A Good News From Coffee

There is a tidbit related to dringking coffee, especially for womenAre you a women who like to drink coffeeYou should continue to take itA cup of hot coffeein addition to provide the freshness, can also become a stronghold for breast cancer.  

That's the latest conducted by Dr. Steven A Narod of the University of Toronto,OntarioCanadaHe found an association between coffee drinking habits of womenwith breast cancer riskThe research conducted on 1690 respondents who are at high risk mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes  genes trigger cancer cells.

Coffee Against Breast Cancer

The result?

Women who regularly drink 1-3 cups of coffee per day lowered 10% risk of breastcancerWhen the intake was increased to 4-5 cups per day, cancer risk fell further to 25%If consumption is increased to 6 cups or morethe risk fell further to 69as compared to peers who do not drink coffee at all.

Steven found refuge of coffee for a woman who mutated BRCA1Coffee is a source of phytoestrogens that protective effect for the bodyStructure of phytoestrogensderived from coffee is equal to the endogenous estrogen - the hormone estrogenproduced in the body.

Sodon’t be afraid to drink coffeeBut please don’t be too much  .. since its highcaffeine content in the coffee may cause you can not sleep ..

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