Attention! Your Nails Reflect Your Health!

For most people, nails are no more than a function to support the appearance of the body organs. But do you know if nails can give us a description of ​​the health of our bodies? The ancient people have been wearing nails to diagnose various types of diseases, such as nutritional deficiencies, infections, and other diseases.

Apparently, your overall health status can be detected by the shape and color of the nails. Disturbance that occurs in the lungs, liver, heart and even be seen in the changes that occur in the nails.
Attention! Your Nails Reflect Your Health!

Nails composed of keratin, a protein that is also preparing the hair and skin. Our nails grow from the matrix, the area under the cuticle. Long nails can grow 2 to 3 mm in a month. Knowing the state of health through the nail is not a new science. Thyroid disease is the first problem that can be diagnosed from the nail. Thyroid disease usually have symptoms such as a decrease or increase in weight. The presence of onycholysis usually related directly to hyperthyroidism. It is a condition in which the nail of the little finger or ring finger regardless of the layer of skin beneath. Dirt is very easy to accumulate in the nail fold and trigger the growth of bacteria and fungi. Therefore it is important for us to go to the doctor if your nails have separated from the underlying tissue.

Other health problems that can be known through the nail is cardiovascular disorders. To find out whether we are at risk of cardiovascular disease is the most convenient to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But according to research, there are changes in the nails for those who are experiencing this problem. If there is a brownish red line at the bottom of the nail, it could be a sign of infection nodular. If someone has a congenital heart disease, the nails will appear softer and seen floating on top of the skin.

Knowing the state of health through the nail does need serious learning. Stress and anxiety can not only be seen directly from the face, but also can be reflected through the nail. Have you ever seen anyone who likes to bite her nails? Or you are one of them? Nail biting is a sign of a person under stress or depressed. Occasional nail biting may not pose a serious problem, but if done continuously can cause bleeding. This bad habit also makes it easier infected nails.

Do you know if diabetes can also be seen through the nail? If you like to wear nail polish, the nail will turn into yellowish. But if the yellowish color would not disappear after treatment, it could be a symptom of disease diabets. Diabetes can make skin and nails turn into yellowish, but these changes are usually most obvious on the nail. The change was due to a combination of collagen and glucose in the nail. Immediately consult a doctor if you notice your nails stay yellow for a long time. Other diseases that can be known through the nail is arthritis. Many people consider joint problems only arise in older people, but the fact is not so. There are many types of arthritis, and the cause is not only aging, but also because the food and other factors.

Important structure that acts as a protective and enhancing sensation in the fingertips are nails. Contained many nerve endings in the fingertips, making it possible to obtain a wide range of health information just by looking at the color or shape of nail.

The following are some of the color and shape of the nail and means for health problems that may have occurred to you:

1. Normal Nails 

Pink and glowing is a sign of a normal and healthy nails. In addition, the nail that grows easily and normal (no abnormalities such as dry or cracked), looked strong, and will bend slightly when pressed (not hard).
Compared to the toenails, fingernails grow faster. Speed ​​fingernails have grown about 3 mm per month and to grow from the roots to the edge of the line it takes about 6 months. While the toe nails grow at a rate of 1 mm per month and to grow from the root to the tip of the nail takes about 12-18 months.

2. Pale Nails 

Sign of several serious diseases such as congestive heart failure, anemia, malnutrition and liver disease can be identified with a very pale colored nails.

3. White Nails  

The problem that occurs in your liver, such as hepatitis can be identified if the nails are mostly white with dark edges. In addition, another sign of liver problems is the radius of which is yellow.

4. Yellow Nails 

Fungal infections are one of the causes of yellow nails. Nails may, thickened, detached and destroyed if the infection gets worse. Some diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, lung disease or psoriasis can be identified by yellow nails. However, such cases are rare.

5. Bluish Nails

The body is not getting enough oxygen can be identified with a nail with a bluish tint. Lung infections, such as pneumonia may also be indicated in this way. In addition, bluish-colored fingernails can also be a sign that there are some problems in the heart.

6. Bumpy Nails

One of the early signs of arthritis or inflammation proasis if the surface is corrugated nails. The skin under the nail that looks reddish brown is also a sign of the disease.

7. Cracked Nails

Thyroid disease, associated with nails dry, brittle and often split or crack. In addition, fungal infections can also result in cracks nail combined with a yellowish color.

8. Swelling that occurs around the nails 

Inflammation of the nail fold is if the skin around the nail appears red and swollen. Connective tissue disorders or lupus disease is the cause of this condition. In addition, redness and inflammation of the nail fold can also be caused by infection.

9. Dark Lines on Nails

As soon as possible, if there is a black line on your nail should be investigated. Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, can be identified with this condition.

So, from now on, pay careful attention to your nails. Immediately check and consult a doctor if there is something strange in your nails.

Hopefully our nails are always healthy and normal, which means our body healthy too!

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