The Danger of Stepping on Cockroaches

Don't Kill Cockroaches by Stepping On It!  Danger!!!

What would you do if suddenly there were cockroaches near you? If I am, I will repel it in various ways! The one most important goal is making it going away as far as possible from my eyes!! But readers, I have just read a shocking and terrible thing associated with cockroaches, and this is what I will write in this blog, so that Mommiest readers will also know about it  ..... 
It turns out that killing cockroaches by hitting or stepping on it is VERY DANGEROUS!!!
Why ... ???

The Danger of Stepping on Cockroaches

If you see any cockroaches in your home, please do not beat it or stepping on it to death even its guts out. Why?
Because in cockroaches' stomach, there are worms that are so little and soft that remain alive despite the outside of the cochroaches body. When the worms are already outside of the body or abdomen of cochroaches it will move to find a new place to live / new breeders.

This worm shape is very short, small, smooth and soft when it will only be seen with naked eye from about 10-20cm.

To see clearly these worms, you can put the death cochroaches on a black paper or above a mirror ... there will be seen the worms are so small that moving !!

So if we step on the cochroaches body, it will be very dangerous if the worm touches the skin of our body, especially the legs, because it can enter through the pores of the skin especially when there are open sores on the foot skin.

Preferably, kill cochroaches simply by using insect repellent spray, which can kill roaches without having to remove out the contents of its stomach.

There are some natural ways to keep your home safe from attack cockroaches. Here are some of them.

1.  Kill Cockroaches With Soapy Water

You can spray soapy water on a cockroach body. Soapy water is powerful enough to kill cockroaches.

Above way is effective enough to reduce the population of adult cockroaches. However, cockroach eggs remain untouched and soon hatch into an adult cockroach.

2.  Make Hungry Cockroaches

  • Cockroaches can not survive without food and water. Be sure to clean up any kind of a food and beverage cockroaches. The house that clean and tidy will help minimize the cockroach population. Make sure to put the leftovers in the trash or outside of the home so as not to become a source of food cockroaches
  • Store food in sealed containers and do not leave it open too long 
  • The area under the fridge or stove should be cleaned on a regular basis because often there are remnants of food and oil could be food cockroaches.

3.  Breaking the Water Supply

In addition to eliminate food sources, other ways to eradicate cockroaches is to make sure there is no water supply for drinking cockroach.

According to a report published by the University of Florida, cockroaches can survive for two weeks without food and water, but they can last up to 42 days with only water to drink.

Water from a leaking pipe commonly used by cockroaches as a source of water. Place under the sink is another favorite place for cockroaches. So make sure these places dry cutting off the supply of water for the cockroaches.

4. Set Cockroach Traps and Natural Predator

In addition to the above methods, another method to kill cockroaches are non-toxic to set traps around the house.
One type of trap works like a glue trap cockroach that did not get into the house.
Cockroaches also have a large number of natural predators. Lizards, birds, mice, frogs, cockroaches and frogs all make a meal.

Be sure not to disturb the natural habitat of predators that cockroach populations under control. 
That's an important thing we should know about cockroaches. May be some time you find a big trouble because of a little ant that come into your ear? This article may benefit for solving the problem: The Fastest and Easiest Way To Put Out Ant Of The Ear.
