Cucumber Benefits For Family Health

Starting from this post , I plan to write about several kinds of vegetables and their benefits to health . As a housewife , we would have been familiar with a variety of vegetables that we always cook every day . But it turns out, in addition to be cooked as a vegetable as supplementary nutrition for our families , assorted vegetables  also have so many benefits for health . Yeah .. it is right Ladies , in addition to a source of crude fiber ( Dietary Fiber ) ) , minerals and vitamins , some types of vegetables proved efficacy as a medicine. Well , on this side may not have been widely known. For this reason, I will address the benefits of vegetables such as treatment materials .

In addition to vegetables , it turns out that there are various herbs in the kitchen we also have a lot of medicinal properties . So in addition to vegetables , this blog will also be presenting the various benefits of herbs . I hope this will be useful for the readers .
Especially for housewives , or even the girl who would become a housewife .

For the first vegetables that I will write here is :


This vegetable tastes good and fresh , usually always used to eat as a salad complement . It is suitable if served with savory dishes such as grilled fish , grilled chicken , or fried rice . This in addition to taste fresh vegetables , can also increase appetite .

The content of cucumber

What the hell , vital substances that exist in the cucumber , so it can be efficacious medicine?

Each 100 grams of cucumber contains :

  •  Calories : 12
  •  Protein : 0.7 grams
  •  Calcium : 10 mg
  •  Phosphorus , : 21 mg
  •  Iron : 0.3 mg
  •  Vitamin A : 0 Sl
  •  Vitamin B1 : 0,003 mg
  •  Vitamin C : 8 mg

Young cucumber fruit containing saponin and glutathione , which is soothing and refreshing the body, waging urination , as well as softens and relaxes the skin.

Cucumbers can be fever reliever. The trick, grated cucumber and compress to the temples and armpits. Replace a few times each compress was not cold anymore .
In addition shredded and used as a compress , cucumber can also be taken to accelerate the reduction in fever . The trick , grated cucumber , squeeze and take the juice, give a little honey , and drink it to fever sufferers .

Apart from being a fever reliever, cucumber can help treat high blood pressure (hypertention). The trick , drinking cucumber juice 2-3 times a day . For optimal results , also limit consumption of salt and foods that contain high levels of salt , such as mustard sauce, all kinds of pickles, canned foods, foods containing baking powder, baking soda, MSG, sodium benzoate, or any other food with high content of sodium, a kind of soy sauce, shrimp paste, broth blocks, chilli sauce, tomato sauce, corned beef, bacon, butter, and margarine .

So ladies , cucumber efficacy for treatment . Its efficacy is very much is not it? ... so , always provide your fridge with cucumbers, who knows your child suddenly of fever , or any member of your family are high blood pressure, then this cucumber can be very rewarding .

Hopefully this article useful for us all ...

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