One Main Cause of Insomnia: Melatonin!

In the past, I often had insomnia or trouble sleeping. And in fact it was very disturbing. This sleeping disorders often came when my body was very tired and so if I had a lot of thought. Even too eager to do anything could make me difficult to sleep!! Ufgh!!

One Main Cause of Insomnia: Melatonin!
I often wake up at the mid night then after it did not get back to sleep until morning. The result was my body felt very tired and sleepy. Though I had to indulge every day, which was caring for my children and completing household chores as a housewife. I did not like taking medications to facilitate sleep. I was afraid the bad side effects that might be caused.

For that I was often looking for information that naturally could handle this my sleeping problem. And this is ONE of THEM which I will share here. I hope readers who often have trouble sleeping like me could feel the benefits.

One of the 'important thing' I had found to solve my sleeping problems is an article that I picked from a local dailly newspaper. Someday after doing my routine activities, I read a page of local daily newspaper about healty life. Fortunately and interestingly, then there was an article that discussed about foods that could help to sleep easily. I was very happy to find the article, and I thought I have found a 'cure' for 'my insomnia' that often disturbed me. And I think it would be useful if I also share such information here, who knew it would be beneficial and can help relieve readers who coincidentally have a 'disorder' insomnia like me.

And here I summarize the contents of the article:

Melatonin is The Key to Sleep Easily

"In normal condition, health body will produce a certain hormone which will work to make body feel sleepy naturally and then finally going asleep. But instead, the abnormal condition such as when we're sick, stress, or other condition, the body can not produce the hormone in sufficient amount. This condition may cause troubles, that are sleeping disorders, and if it happens continuously, it will be a problem or a sleep disorder called insomnia. And if insomnia occurs continuously for a long time and are not addressed, could lead to disruption of the function of vital organs, which can cause a variety of serious illnesses, insomnia.  Of course we do not want exposed to dangerous diseases just because of lack of sleep, right?
Some foods contain certain nutrition which help the body to be able to produce this hormone and finally can reach its function in making asleep."

What is the very important “sleepy” hormone, really?  And the hormone is called 'Melatonin'. I myself had recently heard the term Melatonin. What is exactly  melatonin?

The hormone melatonin serves to regulate the human body's biological clock. Starting at 6 PM, this hormon begin to flood our bodies until full at 10 PM. That's when our body will feel sleepy and then fell asleep.

People with sleeping disorder have just little of hormone melatonin. This hormone deficiency can be overcome by eating foods that are very rich in nutrition which are able to help the body to produce more melatonin.  

Thus, it turns out that one of the main causes of insomnia or sleeping disorder is a lack of the hormone melatonin in our bodies. Well, continuing my post this time, on the next post, I will write about foods that could help the formation of the hormone melatonin, which it will make us easier to fall asleep. 

Do not miss the next post...

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