Greatness on a Cup of Green Tea

I do like tea, especially the warm. It makes me refresh. Moreover the green tea. Actually, there are lots of benefits contained in a cup of green tea. But before discussing deeply about the benefits, first let's understand what is green tea.

Naturally, all tea came from the same botanical source and that is camellia sinesis, but the difference is on the processing of the tea leaves, giving each and every type of tea its distinctive aroma, taste and even color, and also its properties. Green tea is steamed and dried thus maintaining its color, chemical properties and natural taste while other types of tea are fermented. Studies proved that green tea had a lighter flavor and aroma compared to that of black tea, which makes all the beneficial chemicals intact, putting greatness to your enjoyable cup of green tea.

How to make a cup of green tea

Yes, there are some specific things you must know in making green tea, as described below: 
  • Brewing green tea is similar with other tea. Whether it is bagged or loose green tea. It is important to remember not to use boiling water. Brewing with water that’s just about to reach its boiling point is the right temperature; this is for the reason that green tea is more delicate than other tea.
  • The best tasting green tea is brewed under one minute and let it steep for a short period of time, it is recommended not to prepare it with boiling water and longer time of steeping because it will make the tea bitter to the taste.
  • However increased level of polyphenols in green tea is directly proportional with water temperature and time of steeping. It means that the longer time it was brewed under boiling water and the longer it is steeped means a greater concentration of polyphenols on every cup of green tea making it more potent than that of shorter time to brew and steeped. Polyphenols are the anti oxidants found in green tea which contributes to the green teas’ medicinal properties.

Green Tea Health Benefits

According to legends, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor about 5,000 years ago. This Chinese emperor was boiling water to the belief that it can become more potable and safer to drink. When suddenly a large gust of wind took over and blew the leaves into the water that’s boiling. By the combination of water and leaves, a brown mixture was fashioned. Reluctantly, the emperor discovered the mixture making a very fragrant aroma. The moment he tasted it, he described it to be agreeable. From that moment on, green tea was born.

No matter how accurate this legend is, what’s important is that green tea have become one of the most popular drink in China. Drinking green tea made several discoveries regarding health benefits. Aside from green tea becoming an antioxidant, it is also claimed that it can help with cancer prevention, heart protection, arthritis prevention and liver protection.

Cancer prevention

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases man has ever known. It has killed a lot of lives in many forms and is continuously killing more. With the discovery of green tea being able to help in cancer prevention and treatment, a lot of studies are trying to support every claim. It is said that through drinking green tea, cancer has shown significant evidences of diminishing cancer cell results. Preliminary investigations have proven that green tea can prevent the growth of cancer cells in organs like the digestive system, urinary bladder, and the pancreas.

Heart Protection

Antioxidants in green tea are one of the main reasons why people are being enticed by it. By reducing incidences of increased cholesterol level in out body, it therefore reduces the body to experience hypertension and cardiac diseases. Studies also show that green tea can help minimize thrombosis formation which is also an associated factor to heart disease. When thrombosis goes into blood circulation, there will come a time when the thrombus will block the way of the blood that is supposed to go to the heart and this will compromise the heart with blood supply. Preventing thrombus formation is one very important effect of green tea.

Arthritis Prevention

Some say it’s impossible for green tea to affect bone diseases but the tea have proved them wrong because reports have it that green tea can prevent arthritis. Not only can green tea prevent arthritis from occurring but also eliminate the painful symptoms being contributed by the problem too. According to research, green tea has a component that has the ability to reduce inflammation. Research also suggests that antioxidants have the capacity to delay any arthritic  process that might occur and minimizing irritable symptoms as well.

Live Protection

Because liver is another agent responsible for metabolism, it is greatly affected by green tea. There is strong correlation of bonds between liver function and antioxidants. When the liver does it job, it filters the body from toxins and washes it away through excretion. 

Toxins are referred to harmful substances that we gather through daily living like digested food, breathed air, consumed water, alcohol intake and even remnants of cigarette smoking. What green tea provides the body is stimulating and strengthening the immune system making the liver more capable of filtering every single substance that can be dangerous to the body.

By understanding the greatness on a cup of green tea above, now you have no idea to forget it in your daily diet, do you?

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