Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Most Beautiful Birds in The World

So many species of birds that have beautiful appearance. And there are so many blog posting to review these beautiful birds with a variety of titles, among which is the '10 Most Beautiful Birds', or 'List of The World's Most Beautiful Bird', and so forth. In this post, mommiest will write specifically about 'Birds Peacock' as one of the most beautiful birds in the world. 

It is because, the first most beautiful bird in the world according to mommiest is Peacock bird. Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds that have colorful feathers and 'crown' which makes it look very exotic. Peacock including the partridge family (pheasant). There are some kinds of peacock with its each beauty, namely: 

1. Blue Peacock or Indian Peacock


Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

The Scientific name is Pavo cristatus. This bird is one of three species of bird peacock. Blue peacock feather has a shiny dark blue. Adult male birds are large, can reach 230cm in length, with a very long tail cover green metallic. Above their heads is crested blue vertical fan shaped. Females are smaller than males. The feathers are not shiny, greenish-brown with black stripes and without feathers adorned the tail cover. The young birds are like the female bird. 

Blue Peacock population scattered in open forests with grasslands in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. This species previously found also in Bangladesh, but now most likely extinct there. 

Blue peacock is the national bird of India. This species also play an important role in the mythology of Buddhist, Hindu and other cultures.

2. Green Peacock or Javanese Peacock

Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Green Peacock population scattered in open forests with grasslands in the People's Republic of China, Indochina and Java, Indonesia. Previous Green Peacock also found in India, Bangladesh and Malaysia, but now extinct there. Although very large, Peacock Green is a clever bird to fly. 

Green Peacock is frequently called Javanese Peacock. The scientific name is  Pavo Muticus and become one of several species of bird peacock. Like the other birds that are found in tribal Phasianidae, Green Peacock has a beautiful coat with golden green feathers. Adult male birds are very large, can reach 300cm in length, with a very long tail cover. There is a crest on its head upright. Females are smaller than males. The feathers are less shiny, grayish green and without feathers adorned the tail cover. In the breeding season, male birds show off their tail feathers in front of the female bird. Tail feathers cover is opened to form a fan-shaped with eye spots. Female birds incubate three to six eggs. Green Peacock bird feed consisting of a variety of grains, grass shoots and leaves, various insects, as well as various types of small animals such as spiders, worms and small lizards.

However, because of the large forest habitat loss and poaching continues, and the area where the bird was found to be highly dispersed, Green Peacock evaluated as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. It is listed in CITES Appendix II.

3. White Peacock

Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World
Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World

Peacock: One Of Most Beautiful Birds In The World


White peacock (Pavo cristatus) includes peacock encountered rare, scattered population in India and Sri Lanka to the conservation status of low risk (least concern = LC), the categories given by the IUCN-International Union for Conservation of Nature - for species that have been evaluated but not belonging to the species threatened or near-threatened with extinction, even also not included in the category of conservation dependence. 

White peacock looks so graceful, stepping like a princess who always smile, chin slightly raised, head studded crown, swinging footsteps, regularly and slowly and elegance are retained even when he wags his feathers strand by strand with a graceful, gently stretched to fit perfect fan shape, then the position of the plume that expanded maintained for a long time as giving a chance so that visitors continue to look at him and marvel at the perfection of His creature, and of course do not forget to take a picture of beauty. But do not ignore the deafening loud voice. Indeed, she looks more beautiful when keeping silent.

Thus Peacock, one of the most beautiful birds that inhabit this world. Read also about the beautiful roses here , or the most unique and strange orchids in the world.
