The Fastest and Easiest Way to Put Out Ant of The Ear

Have you, your child , or your neighbor was taken to the hospital just because there is an ant that goes into the ear ? This incident actually rare , but it is very annoying . How not ? In addition to your own ears itch , also were afraid that if the ants could carded increasingly added into the ear you . Though the ear is one of the most important organ for us . What if the ants biting rampage and small organs of our ears ? What if the proficiency level ant poison that can bring harm to our ears ? What if only because of an ant ear can not hear anymore or deaf ? Hiii ... so terrible!

Or even to have surgery to remove the tiny ants ?
Oops ...! It turns out that this one small animals can be very inconvenient, if to wander into the ear ?

Actually there is a way that is very easy to do , and can remove the stray ants . How?

Take a flashlight that bright flame . Then turn on right in front of the ear hole into which the ants is inside. Keep turn on the flashlight, and wait a few moments until the ants come out with itself. The ants will come out without having to be forced because it saw a bright light from the flashlight .

Well , it's easy right ? You do not need to go to the hospital to remove the ants or other insects that go into your ear . However , do not ever enter the ants into your own ears or your child just because want to practice these tips . He he ...

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