Natural Ways To Eliminate Wrinkles On Neck Skin

Wrinkles on Neck Skin

Often, the neck skin go unnoticed because many women don't  consider it as important as the skin of the face or other body parts clearly visible. This is reasonable, because the position of the neck was located in a place that is not strategic and rarely noticed. However, we should also give a little attention on it, especially if we look there are wrinkles on our neck skin. Because it seems useless when we have silky smooth skin, shiny black bushy hair, but the condition of the neck skin look dry, dull and even wrinkles. 

Natural Ways To Eliminate Wrinkles On Neck Skin

Natural Ways To Eliminate Neck Skin Wrinkles

Beauty treatments are not just solely on the clearly visible parts of the body, but also necessary for the body parts that are not frequently visible, like neck. Any tips so that your neck skin looks firmer and certainly be pleasing to the eye, is to perform a massage on the skin of the neck. This massage uses some kind of herbs that work together to tighten the skin of the neck. 

The Natural Ways To Eliminate Wrinkles On Neck Skin, Step By Step

Here's the explanation:

  • Take one cup of olive oil, one cup of paraffin, and one cup of roses. 
  • Furthermore mix the three ingredients in the pan.
  • Cook them until boiling. 
  • After boiling, remove the pan, and let it until cool. Now, the three ingredients has already become a potion. 
  • After cool, strain the potion using  a clean strainer, then put it into a clean container or bottle. 
  • Use this potion to massage the neck skin evenly with two fingers. You can expand the area of massage to the area behind the ears and under the chin. 
  • In order to obtain maximum results, do this activity at least twice a day.
  • If you do it regularly, then your neck skin will not wrinkle again. You will have fresh and taut neck, as if it returns again as usual when you were young. 

That is the skin care tips to prevent neck wrinkles and look beautiful naturally.  Do you have any other tips in preventing neck skin wringkles effectively? Just feel free to share it here, so it will be usefull to all mommiest's readers...

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