Napping Benefits For Health And Beauty

Naps effect on health and beauty

Could be, we often underestimate nap. Many people who rarely take a nap, or even do not want to do it at all. Various reasons. The most classic and usually is because the busy work. No time for a nap! 

Whereas the fact that everyone can set a time to take a nap. For example, during lunch breaks, it is better used to sleep even though only 30 minutes. Why is that, because it turns out the benefits of napping very much at all, either for health or for beauty. And this post will discuss. 

The benefits of napping for health 

Actually nap important done by anyone. What's more for people who are busy working, napping is very important because it can improve concentration. This is because, a nap can improve memory brain. So that the nap, the brain will re-fresh, and after a nap, we can go back to work with more concentration, because our brain fresh anymore. 

In addition, a nap can prevent stress. Because of the stress hormone would break down if we reasonably. 

One of the best universities in the world, namely Harvard stated that naps are beneficial to humans to improve foresight or accuracy in performing tasks and jobs. 

In fact, according to some experts, having a nap to avoid benefit of some chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. So naturally when a person who is always doing activities as a nap routine to be slim and not fat, because the lunch hour is used for sleeping. 

With nap, then the left brain will be fresh again. For those of you who work in the art world, a nap is helpful to increase your creativity in the work in that field. 

The benefits of napping for beauty 

If you are in front of the mirror, do you already feel older and not in accordance with the age you are now? If true, then a nap soon get used to the activity. Why? Because one of the benefits of napping is able to prevent premature aging. 

Logically, if you are constantly working and less time to rest, then the disease will come to your stress. Well, this stress affects the skin. Skin that was once fresh and toned, will look dull and even wrinkles, acne and dry easily, because of stress. So, especially for women, is highly recommended in order to perform activities face nap is always fresh and look beautiful. 

So, there is no reason to take a nap instead? 

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