How To Store Potatoes : The Right And Best Way

Have you ever peel potatoes and its color changes when it is stored ? Or potato skin becomes greenish ? Do not be discouraged, the following tips will tell you on how to store potatoes in the best and right way.

Such as apples , potatoes will change color to brown when left open at room temperature . This is due to the presence of peroxidase and catalase enzyme activity in the potato reacting with oxygen . This reaction process is named by enzimatic browning.

How To Store Potatoes: The Right And Best Way

To inactivate the enzyme peroxidase and catalase can be done in a variety of ways:

1. Do blanching 

   How? Boil the potatoes for 1 minute in boiling water . Then soak in cold water . Furthermore, stay        peeled . With blanching , then the process of browning can be prevented .

2. Soaking the potato pieces using sodium bisulfite solution at a dose of 1 g / 1lt water

 Soak chunks of potatoes for 1 hour and rinse with clean water . This method is very effective to prevent browning reaction in potato.

3. Soaking in a solution of salt and water whiting 

Mix 2 tablespoons fine salt and 1 tablespoon water siri lime (water whiting). Dissolve in 1 liter of water . Soak chunks of potatoes for 1 hour . Rinse and drain . This method is less expensive and produces more savory potatoes aside to prevent browning reaction .

Tips for Storing Potatoes

Raw potatoes should be stored in a cool room temperature, dry and not exposed to direct sunlight . Do not store raw potatoes in the refrigerator, as it will cause the potatoes to sprout .
For potatoes that have been peeled, do the blanching first. Once cool , store in a sealed container and store in refrigerator. Storing peeled potatoes in the refrigerator will extend the shelf life of up to 7 days.
Storing potatoes that have been peeled blanch can be placed in the freezer. Storing peeled potatoes in the freezer will extend shelf life up to 2-6 months.

If you only process a little potato and cook for all purposes . Simply soak the potato pieces in water and potatoes will not change color .
Raw potatoes stored longer, especially if the potatoes are exposed to sunlight, can change the color of the potato skin becomes greenish . Do not cultivate potatoes that have been turned into greenish because potatoes contain toxins sometimes been called solanine.

That's! I hope, after reading this tips, you will not have trouble anymore with your potatoes.

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