Various Efficacy And Benefits Of Olive Oil For Human Health

Olive oil has a very long once used by humans. This oil comes from the fruit of Olives, which is very famous for treating various diseases that exist in the human body. Even Prophet Muhammad also advised people to consume olive oil .

It has long conducted research on the content of the olive oil to prove the benefits and usefulness for health . And the results are proven true. After conducting various studies by many experts in the field of health and medicine, they all agree on the efficacy and benefits contained in olive oil .
So we no longer need to doubt the benefits of Olive Oil for the human body. It is good for the health, beauty, and so on .
In this post , I will write some of the properties of this miraculous oil. Among these are the following :

Various Efficacy And Benefits Of Olive Oil For Human Health

Efficacy And Benefits Of Olive Oil For Human Health

Lowers Mortality

A study published in the famous magazine Lanst on December 20, 1999, shows that the poorest country in Europe at that time, namely Albania , where most of the population are moslems, has a special mortality rate. The death rate among men in Albania are 41 people out of every 100,000 people, half of the countries in the UK . It was influenced by the consumption of olive oil in the diet of the population of Albania .

Lowering The High Blood Pressure

A study conducted by Dr. Aldovaroro at the University of Naples, Italy, and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine Magazine, dated March 27, 2000 , has conducted research on 32 patients affected by high blood pressure and those taking medications for high blood pressure .

The results showed a decrease in blood pressure level of 7 points among those who consumed olive oil .

Reducing Cholesterol Dangers

Various studies attest to the fact that olive oil lowers total harmful cholesterol, without reducing the useful cholesterol content.

Reducing the risk of blockage ( thrombosis ) and thickening ( Arteriosclerosis ) Blood Vessels

In a study published in December 1999 in the magazine AMJ Clin NUTRL the researchers stated that the content of the nutrient-rich olive oil may reduce the negative effects of fat in the diet on blood clotting, and reduce the thickening of the heart's arteries .

Reducing the Attack Cancer

The researchers say that the decline in the ratio of deaths from cancer attacks in the population of Middle White Sea, is due to the population consumed food containing olive oil as the principal source of fat, in addition to vegetables , fruits , and cabbage .

Olive Oil Efficacious As Breast Milk

In a modern study published in February 1996 at the University of Barcelona, Spain, which was conducted on forty women who breastfeed, breast milk samples were taken from them . The researchers found that most of the fat contained in breast milk, was the type of single-chain fats . This type of fat is considered as the best fat should be consumed by humans, and this is the fat that is also found in olive oil.

Reduce Inflammation Joints

AMJ Clin Nutr Magazine November 1999 published a study of 145 patients with complaints of inflammation joints in Northern Greece. They were compared with 108 healthy people. In the present study show that consumption of olive oil can contribute in protecting the body from this disease.

Kill Head Lice

Several studies conducted at several universities and academies in the United States , about head lice , suggests that the use of olive oil as a hair oil that is exposed to fleas , just a few hours to kill lice in the head.

Preventing Cancer

Professor Asman , Chairman of the Academy of Arteriosclerosis Studies at the University of Monstar, Germany , he is the most prominent researchers in the world in the field of medicine and arteriosclerosis, he said, "The consumption of olive oil may protect the body against a number of other cancers, including colon cancer, uterine cancer, cancer ovaries, although the number of studies is still too low."

Olive Oil and Cervical Cancer 

Cancer Magazine UK in May 1996 published a study of 145 Greek women affected by cervical cancer . The researchers correlate between women who develop cervical cancer in women who consume lots of olive oil . Apparently, women who consume olive oil less affected by cervical cancer . Where the possibility of cancer in them down to 26 % .

Olive Oil and Gastric Cancer

A number of modern scientific studies show that consumption of olive oil on a regular basis can reduce the occurrence of gastric cancer . But it still required a variety of advanced scientific studies on this subject .

Olive Oil and Colon Cancer

There are also some studies that show that consumption of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil, play an important role in protecting the body against colon cancer .

Olive Oil and Skin Cancer ( Melanoma )

Dertmatdogg Times Magazine August 2000 edition mentions a study showing that the use of olive oil as a skin cream after swimming and sunbathing , will protect the occurrence of skin cancer ( melanoma ) .

Olive Oil Reduce Incidence of Gastric Ulcers

Dr. Samut , from Harvard University , presented a study on Last Congress Digestive System Diseases Organization of American held in October 2000 .

Dr. Samut asserts that the nutrients contained in olive oil can have a positive effect in protecting the body from reducing the incidence of gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease.


Thus some of the benefits and the remarkable properties of olive oil. Actually there are many other benefits that are not listed here. However, some of the properties above is perfectly adequate for us to know how big the benefits of olive oil. So it is advisable for us to always provide it in our homes, a fatty substance that is best for our beloved family consumption.

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