10 Major Causes of Shoulder And Upper Back Pain

You ever or often experience pain in the shoulder and upper back? Scapula structure is quite complex so it is more susceptible to injury. Perhaps among us often experience pain in the shoulder and upper back. This is because in everyday life, our hands are always active, causing muscle strain on the shoulder.

10 Major Causes of Shoulder And Upper Back Pain

I also sometimes experience pain in the shoulders and upper back. The pain is usually mild, but sometimes it really hurts that it interferes with my daily activities. I often deal with it that counts the warm balm with massage on the shoulders and below. Frequent complaints of pain will disappear afterwards. But out of curiosity, why could actually happen shoulder pain, then I was browsing on google and get some of the causes of shoulder pain. Because I think it would be beneficial also for some readers, and so I wrote it here.

Various activities such as lifting groceries, carrying children, or while riding the bus to make hands are always busy. So, hands and shoulders are often under pressure so that the potential to cause pain in the shoulder and upper back.

In addition there are many other factors that cause shoulder and upper back pain.

Here are some of the factors that cause pain in the shoulder and upper back:

1. Injuries or Trauma

Structural injury to the shoulder bone or ligaments can cause upper back pain is severe.

2. Age

Degeneration of the cervical spine (neck bone) due to aging or disease can lead to bone pain scapula.

3. Tendonitis

Tendonitis (sometimes as a result of chronic arthritis) can be a cause of shoulder pain.

Inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder cause upper back pain.

4. Operations

In the case of breast cancer surgery, cuts in the breast and armpit can cause pain in the shoulder blade.

5. Arthritis 

Arthritis is the leading cause of shoulder pain, especially in older people.

Arthritis causes joint dysfunction at the back ribs and upper back, resulting in joint pain.

6. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes bone density is reduced so that bones become weak. This condition can lead to pain in the shoulder.

7. Cramps Muscle

Muscle cramps when exercising or when doing daily work can cause severe pain in the shoulder or scapula.

8. Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff muscles controlling movement and stabilize the shoulder. When muscle is injured, it can cause upper back pain, especially when lifting the arm.

9. Stress Overload

Physical and psychological stress can trigger excessive upper back pain.

People who are depressed usually will always complain about back pain.

10. Cardiovascular Disease

The pain of aortic dissection can cause sharp shoulder pain.

Pain in the shoulder or upper back is one of the symptoms of a heart attack, so it should not be ignored.
So if we often experience pain in the shoulder or upper back, we should immediately consult a doctor in order to know the cause. Thus we will immediately take steps to treat it in the proper manner.
