Real Experience: This Food Normalized Hypertension So Fast

My Husband Suffered From Hypertension

This is actually my own experience. My husband has a health problem because of hypertension. I got to buy an automatic digital blood pressure monitor, in order to control my husband's blood pressure to avoid a stroke or something else more dangerous.  I bought a brand named Omron. This tool really helped us control how high the blood pressure of our family, especially for my husband.

This is my Omron HEM-7203:
Real Experience: This Food Normalized Hypertension So Fast

Like most people who suffer from high blood pressure, my husband was often plagued with complaints typical of patients with hypertension, are like headaches, dizziness, stiffness in the shoulders and lower back muscles, and so on. But he doesn't want to consume chemical drugs. So if a complaint comes, he did not like going to the doctor, because it is certain to be given a prescription of chemical drugs. So the alternative is to take herbal medicines.

Consuming Various Herbal Lowering Hypertension

There have been many varieties and kinds of herbs consumed by my husband. For example, garlic extract capsules which are well known potent to lower bad cholesterol levels that trigger high blood pressure. Also capsules of noni extract, black seed oil capsules, extract of ant nests, and other herbs.

Despite taking a variety of herbal to lower high blood pressure, but my husband's blood pressure numbers remain high. Systolik pressure is always above 130, while the diastolic pressure is always on top of the number 100. Though my husband is a discipline in the drink, according to the rules recommended. Indeed the tension was sometimes down, but only a handful. Often figures systolic >140 and diastolic >95. Though he was applying a very strict diet, and often the food is not salted. I also always cook with a special salt that has a very low sodium level, especially for my husband. It makes my husband's body for long skinny malnourished, but his blood pressure is still high !!! Of course this is very dangerous. 

Magical Jelly Gamat Luxor To Normalize Hypertension

Until one day, I suggested my husband to try out for drinking sea cucumber extract named Jelly Gamat Luxor. I recommend him to drink it because I was experiencing joint pain in my right hip for more than 2 years, but now it has recovered. I say recovering because I do not feel it anymore, unless I lift very heavy !! I suffer from joint pain in my right hip bone because I had ever fallen hard in the past, when I played badminton with my eldest son. I plan to write a post about this in the future, because this post is already long enough. I am worried readers become bored.

Long story short, about a week my husband consumed Jelly Gamat Luxor 3 times a day with a dose of 2 tablespoons. After a week, he checked his tension, and .... is NORMAL !!
Right... NORMAL!!! I write in capital letters, as this is truly a miracle and a great gift to us. Since then, my husband always consumes it regularly. And thankfully, his blood pressure remained normal. It makes my husband could consume back foods that previously had to be avoided. Even, he dared to eat goat meat I cook. And when he checked his blood pressure, remained normal, 124/88 !! Alhamdulillah ... thanks GOD..we are truly grateful!!

And this is the JELLY GAMAT LUXOR... 

Real Experience: This Food Normalized Hypertension So Fast

I write this true story with the hope our experience can be useful for those who are currently suffering from high blood pressure.
