The Most Appropriate Ways to Take Care Of Leather Goods

Who does not like accessories made ​​of leather? Leather goods or accessories are always preferred by both men and women. Equipment or accessories made ​​of leather usually are shoes, handbags, wallets, belts, luggage, and others.As well as being more durable and long lasting when compared accessories made ​​of fabric, plastic or imitation leather, looks even more cool and elegant, also seem very exclusive. Due to the advantages that it has, leather accessories are always more expensive than others.

But do you often feel upset because you find your leather shoes covered with fungi? Or you very fond of your leather bag, and a day will carry the bag to a special event, but how shocked and upset you are when you see your favorite bag has become a place to grow fungi?

Yes... although it has many advantages, leather accessories also has shortcomings. Goods or accessories made ​​from genuine leather is easily invaded by fungi. This is because leather is very sensitive to weather changes. Therefore, special care is needed to maintain its beauty, at once let it durable and long lasting.

The following tips will explain how to care for leather goods and accessories so that it is always gorgeous, durable and long lasting: 

  • Clean it in a way of wiping using a flannel cloth. Flannel surface is smooth and soft, then the leather will not scratch, so it stays smooth without scratches. Avoid wiping using any coarse fibrous cloth.
  •  Once clean, polish with a neutral colored polish.
  • Always polish accessories that are rarely used between 1-2 weeks.
  • Take care not to hit the water. When wet, for example because of rain, do not dry in direct sunlight. Put in place with a lot of wind for aerated until dry.
  • If not used in a long time, store it in the bags of flannel. If no flannel bag, wrap in use newspaper. Never use plastic bags to wrap it, as it will easily overgrown with fungi.

Well, if you take care of your leather goods such as the tips above, will undoubtedly still looks beautiful charming, durable and long lasting.

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