How To Heat Resistant Glass And Not Easily Broken

I used to get upset because new glasses or dishes that I bought turned out to be very easy to break. Especially if I really like the new model of glasses that I bought it, and that model is no longer in stores everywhere! I myself feel very surprised, how the new glasses purchased, used to make tea or hot coffee instead, which cracked and then broke? Then I had to drink hot tea or coffee wear? Is not glass function is to place a drink, either cold or hot?

Fortunately there is a friend who gave me tips that newly purchased glasses be durable, heat resistant, and not easily broken. Out of curiosity, so when buying a new set of glasses, I immediately put into practice the tips of my best friends.

The result? I guess, you must be curious with the results of my practice to my new glasses, are't you ?
Ok ... the result was making my surprised, and feeling very happy. several times the glasses fall from a height of about one meter, and the glass was not broken. Even when the glass fell had bounced around 2-3 times, and still not broken. Crack was not! Amazing is not it?

How To Heat Resistant Glass And Not Easily Broken

Well, here I will share tips, who knows there who are feeling upset because her new glasses break easily.

Here's the tip: 

- Boil the new glasses first before you use it.
- How to boil, put the glasses in a pan.
- Fill the pan with enough water, till the glasses are submerged into the water.
- Boil the pan until the water is boiling.
- Once boiling, turn off the heat, and let the glasses in the pan until the water turns cold.
- Once the water has cooled, you can lift up the glasses and was able to use it.

You can do it on your other items made ​​of glass, such as plates, bowls, cups, and other. I am sure, you will be amazed and pleased with the results.

Good luck ....

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